Casement Windows
Casement and awning windows add an old-world appearance to your home while meeting high energy efficiency and durability standards. The heavy-duty hardware system secures your window when it is closed and offers many years of hassle-free operation.
Casement windows hinge on the side and open with a crank. Awning windows are similar, except they hinge at the top and let you enjoy a fresh breeze in your house even during heavy rain.

Casement/Awning Features
- 100% Virgin Vinyl
- Welded Frame and Sash Construction
- 3-1/4″ Frame Depth
- Cardinal XL Edge Spacer
- 1″ Insulating Glass
- Fold-Away Handle
- Exterior Glazing
- Multi-Point Locking Hardware System
- Washability Hinge (Casement)
- Quick-Release Dual-Arm Operator (Awning)
- Aluminum Screen With Fiberglass Mesh

Our casement and awning windows are available in various styles, including single, stacked, and side-by-side.

Performance Rating
The following performance ratings are based on a casement or awning window with a vinyl frame and sashes.

Why Choose The Window Shop?
Our purpose is to provide top-quality windows, doors, and siding and install them with careful diligence. Our team understands the value of treating every project with the same respect they would use on their own homes.
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Lifetime Warranty Against Defects Including Seal Failure
Lifetime Guarantee on all Vinyl Parts.
If Our Windows Break During the Warranty Period, We'll Make It Right. It's That Simple!
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